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tv   Early Start  CNN  February 6, 2013 2:00am-4:00am PST

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>> that's right. nothing will ruin a kid-friendly calendar quite as fast as a naked lady. the makers of the calendar glued a sticker on top of the naked swimmer showing her in a swimsuit. but we all know how rough kids can be on their toys. so when they start playing with their calendars, a mere sticker doesn't stand a chance. local residents are totally outraged. i may be exaggerating about that. >> i don't think it's appropriate for that kind of age. >> by putting the sticker on there, at least they tried to fix it. because cost-wise, i mean, it's going to be a huge cost to the company just to go back in there and reprint it for one picture. >> i think it's a bunch of nothing. i think that's very harmless. obviously they tried to correct it. >> even with the sticker on, it's kind of weird seeing a dog trying to eat a lady. i don't know. >> i don't know either, ma'am. i just don't know either. the whole concept of this calendar for kids is a little confounding to me, but in general dogs replacing people in iconic movie images, that's just a stellar idea. a great idea now, and it was a great idea in "best in show." >> we have this idea, like, well, we loved old movies so much and so we wanted to put it
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together into one project. which was going to, you know, set the world aflame basically. i don't know if it's going to do that. >> we'll see. we're not going to sell it. we're just going to give it out to friends. >> i think we should try to sell it. >> really? >> yes! >> shih tzus from the great love scenes. >> if you haven't seen "best in show," you should. the wienerschnitzel people almost nailed it but they should have gone with that theme and ditched the whole woman being bitten by a rabid dog-shark theme. thanks for watching. "early start" begins now. rigged to blow. the fbi finds bombs inside a bunker where a 5-year-old had been held hostage and now they're looking for even more explosives this morning. a star slugger under scrutiny again. ryan braun reportedly linked to
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that clinic at the center of a baseball drug probe. and a seismic shift for an american institution. the boy scouts of america could decide within hours to change its policy on gays. lots of discussion surrounding this. happy you're with us this morning. >> it is wednesday, we're halfway there, february 6th, 5:00 a.m. in the east. let's get started. we are learning a lot more this morning about the fbi raid that saved a kidnapped boy this alabama. it turns out the raid that freed ethan came just in the nick of time because jimmy lee dykes, the man who snatched the child off a school bus and held him captive for close to a week had his bunker rigged with a pair of bombs. this morning bomb technicians are still looking for even more explosives at the scene. victor blackwell is live from midland city. and victor, ethan turns six today. it's his birthday and this morning new details about his rescue. >> reporter: john, we also have new details about the seemingly
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premeditated method of this operation to kidnap ethan and for the first time we are seeing the crime scene thanks to new photos from the fbi. four feet below this spot is the bunker where jimmy lee dykes held ethan hostage for a week. this is the pipe of fbi says dykes told agents to use to communicate and we now know why he made that request. a day after the raid, bomb technicians found an explosive inside that pipe and a second explosive inside the bunker. jimmy davis jr. is a neighbor. he saw the setup in its early stages. >> it was covered up with two sheets of plywood and nailed together with things and stuff as a door to open to it. >> reporter: authorities say dykes had reinforced the bunker, but they were inside watching. . >> reporter: authorities say dykes had reinforced the bunker, but they were inside watching. the hostage rescue team snuck in a tiny camera.
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in mr. dik >> mr. dykes was observed holding a gun. at this point fbi agents fearing the child was in imminent danger entered the bunker and rescued the child. >> i heard a big boom and then i heard -- i believe i heard rifle shots. >> reporter: sources tell cnn what brian martin heard was a diversion. agents rushed in, dykes shot at them, but in the end, he was killed. ethan was rescued. >> which i never doubted my god and he answered our prayer. >> reporter: a nightly prayer vigil became a celebration of ethan's rescue and his 6th birthday. >> well, this is just the start of it. >> reporter: april mcdaniel is a local police officer. she's also a mother. she started a facebook campaign to collect birthday cards for ethan. thousands have responded. >> i just wish i could be there to see hits the face when he sees all the response. how many people really care and love. >> reporter: ethan's home from the hospital to celebrate and
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heal. this is also a time to heal for the family of charles poland, the bus driver who was killed a little more than a week ago. that route he drove thousand has a new bus, a new driver. the superintendent tells us that a pastor spoke with the students at the start back to school and the number of the bus he drove will be retired. they're also planning a birthday party for ethan when he returns to midland city elementary. >> and we all wish him a happy birthd birthday today. any news about how ethan's family is coping came? >> reporter: obviously they are excited. this is the big day. this celebration will probably be more exciting for them than others. but we're also hearing from ethan's mother. she released a statement, i'll read part of it, she says ethan is safe and back in my arms and i owe it all to some of the most compassionate people on earth.
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i will never be able to repay those who helped bring ethan home. >> victor blackwell, nice to see you this morning. thanks. while you were sleeping, a powerful 8 magnitude quake hit the solomon islands and triggered a deadly tsunami. a local hospital says four elderly people and one child were killed by the wave which slammed into the eastern region of the islands. tsunami warnings were canceled as were watches in australia, new zealand and indonesia. we're hearing a 911 call for the first time this morning in the case of that deadly shooting at the navy s.e.a.l. and his friend. moments after iraq war vet eddie routh allegedly killed chris kyle and chad littlefield, he drove to his sister's house and told her what he had done. it that prompted a terrifying call from linda, she called 911. here is part of the call. >> listen, my brother just came
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by here. i was [ bleep ] he's now left. but he told me that he's committed a murder. and i'm terrified for my life because i don't know if he's going to come back here. they went out to a shooting range. like he's all crazy. he's [ bleep ] psychotic. i'm sorry for my language. >> according to court records, hout o routh couldn't trut kyle or anyone else and so he killed them before he could kill him. ryan braun appears in the records of a miami area clinic that allegedly distributed performance enhancing drugs to major league ballplayers. braun who flunked a drug test back in 2011 but had the findings overturned on appeal says he has nothing to hide. the former mvp claims his attorneys hired the owner of the bio aga bio genesis clinic as a consultant. major league baseball is investigating. >> the story get being bigger
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and bigger by the day. meanwhile new developments in the blackout at the sprfbuper b. turns out there were concerns months before the big game. this from october 10th states the main and only electrical feed is not sufficiently reliable to support the high profile events scheduled. five days later, this memo from the state agency says tests on electrical feeders determined they had shall decay and had a chance of failure. meanwhile the nfl confirms there were fluctuations in the frequency of the power supply during beyonce's rehearsal. no one has been able to provide an official cause of the power outage so far. the investigations continue. >> the plot thickens. and a lot of controversy this morning over a leaked justice department memo that states the rules for the targeted killing of americans. the memo says the u.s. can use
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lethal force against an american citizen overseas if that person happens to be a senior leader with al qaeda. the 16 page policy paper also states clear evidence of an imminent attack against the united states that it is not required to carry out a targeted killing. >> the state department is refusing to discuss a 3 1/2 minute propaganda video uploaded to youtube by the north korean government. it shows a young man dreaming of a rocket attack on a city that looks like new york. it eventually shows the city in ruins with we are the world playing in the background. the state department says it won't dignify the video by speaking about it. >> this is better man's favorite story of the day. disney is expanding the gallon abs city far, far away. they announced a new star wars trilo trilogy. >> very excited about that. >> so now they've unveiled plans for two stand alone spinoff movies. each spinoff will be written around a specific character.
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they're scheduled to be released after episode 7 due out in the summer of 2015 with j.j. abrams, the man behind the new star trek movies, directing. >> so very excited about the new trilogy, but i'm worried the spinoffs may be diluting the brand and i'm curious which characters they'll choose to build around. >> maybe they'll hire you as a consultants. >> be nice. we're counting down to what could be a landmark decision by the boy scouts of america on gays in the ranks. that's expected today. we have a live report coming up. plus how a 7-year-old's imagination got him suspended from school. when you have diabetes... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. come on. nowadays, lots of people go by themselves. no they don't. yeah... hey son. have fun tonight. ♪
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prom! [ laughs ] ♪ ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ back against the wall ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ keep you down and make you crawl ♪ ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ cut you down when you feel tall ♪ ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ ain't nothin to me [ crowd murmurs ] [ cheering ] hey! ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ [ howls ]
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welcome back. it is decision day for the boy scouts of america. they're expected to announce the results of a landmark vote today
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that could see the national organization drop its long standing national ban on gay scouts and scout leaders. leaders on both sides weighing in including president obama and governor rick perry of texas. >> scouting is about teaching kids substantial amount of life lessons, sexuality is not one of them, never has been, doesn't need to be. >> the scouts are a great institution that are promoting young people and exbodying them to opportunities and leadership that will serve people for the rest of their lives. and nobody should be barred from that. >> casey wian is live where the meeting is being held. if this ban is being lifted, what will that mean? >> reporter: well, what it's likely to mean is activists on both sides of the issue are going to be upset. what the boy scouts are
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proposing is leaving the issue of homosexuals in the scouts in both troops and among scout masters up to local troops. it's a compromise that both sides are dissatisfied with. leaders of religious organizations that sponsor about a million boy scouts and activists pressuring the boy scouts of america to end its ban on openly gay scouts and scout masters can break on one thing. they're not the satisfied with the boy scouts' proposal to leave the issue up to local troops. >> we believe if they make this decision, it will be a catastrophe for the boy scouts. >> we don't want to see scouting gerrymandered in to blue and red districts. so the best solution would be to end discrimination outright. >> reporter: the boy scouts won't discuss their policy proposal. but the organization has told leaders of religious groups that the change is motivated by pressure from corporate donors. more than a dozen including ibm,
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merck and american airlines have pulled funding from the boy scouts koogd to scouting for all, a group pushing for an end to the scouts' gay ban. >> what they've said to us and to other religious leaders is we're doing this under pressure and we're going to give people basically what amounts to a local option. you can't have a local option of a core conviction. in 2000, the supreme court said that the boy scouts did not have to have homosexual scout masters because their belief about sexual morality was a core value. if you make it a local option, it's no longer a core value and the courts will revisit this. >> reporter: jennifer was a scout depend mother ousted for being gay. >> if the policy passes and individual troops and councils can decide, it's of course a great first step and we would be appreciative of that step and that acknowledgement. however, it will mean that there is more work to be done. >> reporter: even before the controversy over admitting gays,
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the boy scouts were seeing a decline in membership which dropped about a third since 1999. one local scout master here in dallas tells us that parents in his troop are already talking about leaving scouting if the scouts do open up to gays. but activists who support the inclusion of homosexuals say that's the only way that this organization is going to survive long term. >> we have three parents at the desk and we're having quite a dialogue about this this morning. there are concerns the boy scouts could be opening the door for lawsuits from religious groups who say a new policy would violate the 2000 supreme court ruling that upheld the with an. are there any churches or groups right now threatening to sue? >> reporter: we're not aware of any that have publicly threatened to sue. but there have been discussions behind the scenes with the leadership of the boy scouts of america and several religious
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groups which sponsor many of the boy scout troops. one thing that is probably going to happen is lawsuits will happen if the boy scouts sdkouc to open up to homosexuals or or lawsuits could happen if they ski not the decide not to. >> you're right. it could go either way. we'll talk to jim dale who sued after being expelled because he was gay. a case that went all the way to the supreme court. want to bring you up to speed on all the big news of the day. >> a lot going on. the search for more explosives this morning in an underground bunker where a 5-year-old boy was held hostage. the feds say the man who kidnapped the boy had the bunker rigged with at least two bombs. law enforcement officials tell cnn they used drones and sophisticated surveillance equipment to monitor the suspect, jimmy lee dykes, and that dykes fired at s.w.a.t.
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teams that stormed the bunker before they fired back and rescued the boy. a credit card fraud ring was an epic scheme spanning 28 states and eight countries and creating more than 7,000 fake i.d. to get more than 25,000 credit cards. 40% of nfl retired players have some form of cognitive impairment, many depressed and don't know it. out of 34 former players studied, 20 are were found to be normal, the other 14 diagnosed with cognitive deficits. take a look at these amazing shots. canadian astronaut chris hatfield snapped these breath taking pictures of earth from the international space station. that is 250 miles above the planet's surface. since he had no direct internet connection, he's been sending the images through nasa to his
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son and evan then posts themselves online for his dad's twitter followers and space fans. >> you just don't get enough bars on the space station for the internet. >> i love the collaboration with his son. very cool. thank you. 18 after the hour. we're getting an early read on your local news making national headlines and we'll start with this from colorado's reporter herald. 7-year-old alex says he can't believe he was dispended. his mother says he was actually suspended for trying to save the world from evil. the principal told her that alex threw a fake grenade during recess. she says he didn't have anything in his hands. he made no threats. he was simply using his imagination. the school says it violates a rule that says no fighting or weapons real or imaginary. >> if you dig a little deeper into the story, apparently they handed out these rules to the parents at the beginning of the school year and i suspect that the parents didn't read it
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because this is elementary school. this is what kids do. it's pretend play. i'm shocked by this story. my kids would be suspended every single week. after the fat lady sings, thousand she will have a seat to sit down comfortably. the performing arts center is adding two rows of wider seats for its patrons. about 50 of the 2700 seats will be 24 inches wide, that's 24r50e inches wider than the average seat. but that's not all. the first two orchestra rows will have more leg room so particularly tall theater goers will noting cramped either. >> i just want extra cushioning. >> i want the big seats. get all cozy in them. >> for an expanded look at all of our top story, head to also, follow us on twitter and facebook. search for early start cnn. and up next, standard &
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poor's under the micro season. how the government says it inflated ratings and fooled investors. ♪ good morning, turtle. ♪ my friends are all around me ♪ my friends, they do surround me ♪ ♪ i hope this never ends ♪ and we'll be the best of friends ♪ ♪ all set? all set. [ male announcer ] introducing the reimagined 2013 chevrolet traverse, with spacious seating for up to eight. imagine that. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points
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your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. we're minding your business. u.s. stock futures are up ahead of corporate earnings reports. stocks flirted with the 14,000 mark yesterday but closed below he that threshold. christine romans is breaking down the case against s&p. >> this is a really big case.
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standard & poor's that rated all of what we now know were horrible, horrible, horrible investments, they were based on subprime mortgages. this is what brought us to the brink around the world. the government coming out today with a huge, huge case against them, a billion dollar case against them. subprime mortgages were packaged together in investments and then they got a rating. s&p gave a aaa rating to the collateralized debt obligations and that means wall street banks could sell them to investors and investors could say s&p says they're the gold standard, they were great investments. they were not and the government unveiled a bunch of e-mails that showed analyst inside s&p knew they weren't such great investments and in fact for their own business purposes were keeping these aaa rated. here's one of the quotes of an e-mail the attorney general unveiled. i mean come on, we pay to you
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rate our deals and the better the rating the hormone we make. what's up with that? how are you possibly supposed to be impartial? those are analysts talking to each other about how they weren't impartial about some of these investments. actually almost all of these investments because that's how they made money. so this is a pretty staggering deal. and i'll tell you that the attorney general was asked about whether s&p was being retaliated against for downgrading america's credit rating and this is what the attorney general said. >> they did what they did assessing what the creditworthiness was of this nation. we looked at the facts, the law, the investigation of these great prosecutors and civil lawyers put together and made a determination that the filing of these lawsuits was appropriate. but they are not in any way connected. >> mcgraw hill stock down 21% getting a big hit there and moody's down almost 18%. another rating agency who is not named in this particular suit down about 18% in the last three days, as well. quickly to stocks.
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the only question anybody is asking, is it too late to get in or is this the perfect time to get out. if i knew the answer to that, i'd own an island in the caribbean. and i don't. but what i can tell you is this is an old bull now. four years. look at the past five years in the s&p 500, s&p 500 has doubled. the dow is now within 219 points of a record high. many think we will hit a record high, but no one knows how much farther this thing can go. fed is pumping money into the system. corporate profits have been good. congress hasn't completely ruined the world just yet and that's why stocks are up. >> thank you. >> an old bull can still run. >> an old bull can still run. s >> which means many, many things. a homeless hitchhiker with a hatchet. >> so insane, you'll have to watch. >> this person somehow becomes a hero. you have to hear this guy tell the story. can your longwear makeup last 'til five o'clock?
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it will if it's new outlast stay fabulous foundation. it's a primer, concealer and foundation in one for all day flawless skin. new outlast stay fabulous from easy, breezy, beautiful covergirl. trying to find a better job can likbe, so at university of phoenix we're working with a growing list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners
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to shape our curriculum, so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work.
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terror in paradise. tourists tied up and gang raped in a beach side bungalow. underground death trap. a chilling find in the bunker where the 5-year-old had been held hostage and how fbi stormed that place. and chris christie's battle of the bull only nge not a laug matter for a former white house doctor who says she's worried he may die in office. >> she had a problem with him eating that donut on david letterman. >> welcome back to "early start."
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it is wednesday, 31 past the hour. and two bombs have been found in the underground bunker in alabama where a 5-year-old boy was held captive for nearly a week. explosives experts will be looking for more devices this morning. one bomb was sdwodiscovered ins the bunker and another located in a pvc pipe. officials also confirm they used drones and sophisticated surveillance equipment to monitor jimmy lee dykes during the standoff. right now little ethan is with his family. it's his birthday. happy birthday, ethan. the principal of his school says everyone is counting the days until he returns. >> it's a shame that this had to happen, but to any child i believe that will bounce back better than any child that i know of would be ethan. he's just -- he meets no strangers and i just feel confident he'll bounce back and we hope to have him in school as quickly as possible.
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>> certainly the entire country is rooting for him. law enforcement physicians say they rushed the bunker and freed ethan after observing his kidnapper holding a gun. now to a story that is just awful, has us shaking our heads. the mayor of acapulco apologizing for down playing the rape of six spanish women vacationing just south of the mexican resort city. he called what happened regrettable and says it could have happened anywhere in the world. assaults like these are not new it in mexico, but what's shocking about this case is where exactly it happened, near a luxurious enclave known as the diamond zone. police have stepped up security patrolling the beach outside the bungalow. miguel marquez breaks down how the attack happened. >> reporter: mass gunmen entered the vacation bungalow from the beach around 2:00 a.m. what happened next, horrific. six women in their 20s and their male companions tied up with their own cell phone cords and bikinis. women raped, the men helpless to
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stop it. it's a delicate situation, he says, but we will apply the full weight of the law against those responsible. all the victims, tourists from spain. one woman from mexico was left unharmed. some neighbors say they heard music coming from the beach house late that night suggesting there may have been a party. with no gate, fence or security, the house easily entered, invaded from the beach. the shocking crime has struck worry and fear in those who know and love this popular vacation destination. >> i'm excited to be here, but at the same time, a little nervous. >> reporter: the attack comes as tens of thousands of teens and 20 something american spring breakers prepare to descend on acapulco for the annual rate of sun, beaches and parties. the city of acapulco has been an oasis of relative calm. a place hard hit by drug related violence, the u.s. state
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department recommends deferring nonessential travel to the northwestern and southern portions of the state, and even in acapulco itself, the best advice, exercise caution and stay within tourist areas. miguel hmarquez, cnn, acapulco. >> that is very scary. i don't know what i would do if i had plans to go through thereon vacation. >> cancel them. >> for a lot of spring breakers, i would imagine they'll be very worried about that. 34 past the hour. despite a very uncomfortable hearing, it looks like chuck hagel will soon be confirmed to become the next secretary of defense. cnn has learned at least five republican senators would oppose a possible filibuster of hagel's nomination and with no democratic depeck tors, it looks like clear sailing for the embattled nominee. the pentagon expected to announce it is expanding benefits to same sex partners and military personnel. officials say leon panetta hasn't made a final decision on which benefits will be included, but that could happen this week.
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it comes almost a year and a half after the military repealed "don't ask, don't tell" which banned openly gay service. four years after he first took office, president obama plans to make his first trip to israel. the white house isn't saying exactly when he's going to go, but the president did discuss a spring visit with netanyahu. the president's trip will also include visits to the west bank and jordan. he visited israel as a presidential candidate in 2008, but has not been back as president. >> at lot of presidents have not traveled to israel, but he is going. for the first time this will 30 year, an iranian president is visiting egypt. he was greeted by president morsi, but the iranian leader was forced to flee an ancient mosque after a protester threw a shoe at him. and hatchet wielding hitchhiking surfer dude apparently has become an
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internet hero. according to kmph tv, he was hitching a ride with a guy who suddenly rammed his car into a black utility worker and started shouting racial slurs and claimed also that he was jesus. racist jesus then got out of the car, grabbed another woman who came over to help. that's when the hitchhiker beat the attacker with the blunt end of his hatchet. >> he was driving down this way, he was like you know, what i've come to realize i'm jesus christ and i can do anything i [ bleep ] want to. and bam, he smashed in to the [ bleep ] guy right there, pinning him between in a [ bleep ] truck and the two women are trying to help him. he grabs one of them, like a guy that big can snack a woman's neck like a pencil stick. [ bleep ] right up behind with a hatchet, smash, smash, smash! >> all right. so if you're keeping score at home, the driver is crazier than
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the hitchhiker, but the hitchhiker still has a hatchet and the accused racist jesus is now in list cu police custody. so the governor can joke about it, but chris christie's battle with his weight is prompting serious discussion now about whether he is fit for the white house. plus how one finger ended up costing a florida woman 30 days of freedom. do not try this in court, folks. >> you know what she did. oh!
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how will he pay for his living expenses? aflac. like his rent and car payments? aflac. what about gas and groceries? aflac. cell phone? aflac, but i doubt he'll be using his phone for quite a while cause like i said, he has a fractured beak. [ male announcer ] send the aflac duck a get-well card at that your mouth is under attack, from food particles and bacteria. try fixodent. it helps create a food seal defense for a clean mouth and kills bacteria for fresh breath. ♪ fixodent, and forget it. welcome back to "early start." a stunning statement about governor christie, a man who could one day be president. >> a former white house physician is saying she's worried governor christie could die. what exactly is this doctor
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saying? >> it's a shocking claim and a lot of talkbout new jersey governor chris christie making a run potentially for the white house some day. this is something that with his health constantly in focus. so look, would he be a good candidate for a republican canned dad? they have great things to say about him, but there is a former white house doctor who isn't share the same optimism. she says she'd be worried about the condition of chris christie's health if he were president. listen. >> i worry that he may have a heart attack, he may have a stroke. it's almost like a time bomb waiting to happen unless he addresses those issues before he runs for office. >> that's a former white house physician. some harsh word there is. but does chris christie take that kind of criticism seriously? >> if you talk to anybody in this room that has struggled with their weight, what they will tell you is that every week, every month, every year
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in's a plan. and i'm making the best effort i can. and sometimes i'm successful. and other times i'm not. >> christie got a little serious there, but watch what he did when he was visiting david letterman's show monday night. >> i've made jokes but not just one or two, not just ongoing here and there, intermittent, but -- >> my cholesterol is normal believe it or not. >> that's pretty good. and what about your blood sugar? >> blood sugar also normal. i'm like basically the healthiest fat guy you've ever seen in your life. >> that got a big life. so again, he's got a sense of humor about it. we'll find leading up to the next election in four years whether the american people have that same sense of humor or side
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with the white house doctor when it comes to governor christie's weight, if, if, he decides to run for president in 2016. >> i think a lot of people worry about his health legitimate thely. he's such a funny guy. great to watch. >> and i love in new jersey and i'm telling you, his constituents talk about his weight. they say he's doing a great job. we love what he did for sandy. especially democrats, teachers, i heard a bunch of teachers -- some are not very happy with chris christie in new jersey, but they said he's great, but what kind of role model is he. we love what he's done on the job, but if he's done a good job, what does it matter what he looks like. >> he's honest with his struggles overweight and he's battling. he does what he can. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. ultimately the american people will decide. look, presidential candidates always, almost always, release their health records. it's just for this reason. so voters can decide whether it is an issue for them. >> i imagine it will be a moment of truth, though, before he makes that decision. >> in the end the most important
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thing for his constituents are their taxes, not his weight. so the bottom line, it's still politics and business, not what he looks like or his health. here's what you don't do when you're standing before a judge. do not do this. do not flip the judge the bird. a true story from a florida courtroom. of course it's a practice courtroom. >> that's a low blow, berman. understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) scottrade. voted "best investment services company."
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then you're going to love this. right now they're only $14.95! wow-a grt deal just got a whole lot better. hurry. $14.95 won't last.
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you are watching "early start." which was a great decision, i must say. we want to bring you up to speed on all the top stories. >> since viewers have such good taste. right to the news. investigators have uncovered two explosive devices in the underground bunker in alabama where a 5-year-old was held for nearly a week.
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law enforcement officials used drones and sophisticated equipment to watch dykes. case closed. federal prosecutors say they won't pursue charges against lance armstrong despite the fact he recently admitted that he used performance enhancing drugs throughout his cycling career and lied about it. the u.s. attorney who initially decided not to go after armstrong says the statements haven't changed his view, but the government will continue to monitor the situation. talk about flipping out. this teenaged girl was appearing before a miami-dade circuit judge for drug possession. watch what happens when things don't go her way. [ bleep ]. >> come back again. come back again. >> not a good idea to flip off the judge. >> classy. she was hauled back in front of the judge and slapped with 30 days in jail for contempt of court.
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and kristen wiig has joined the cast of one of the year's most anticipated movies. anchorman 2. the film's director celebrated by tweeting kristen wiig is officially on board. cannon ball! >> for us it's life. it's life. >> yeah. >> i still can't get over the flipping off. unbelievable. all right. 49 past the hour. people in the northeast are bracing for what could be, what, a big winter storm this week. you've been talking about a warm-up. what's going on? >> oh, yeah. i don't know if it will be back luck. such a variety of weather in the weather office. this time we're watching for the potential for two storms to move into a nor'easter as we go towards this weekend. we'll talk about what's going on right now. here is the storm we're currently watching. seeing some showers. good news, no severe outlook for
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today. so still the threat of thunderstorms, we'll continue to watch this spread to the east. start to see heavier storms embedded in the thunderstorms there. here's one low. here is the second. of course we'll see heavier rain as we go through thursday in through friday in to the south, but then this starts to develop into a low. we'll start to see it primarily start as a wind and rain event, but as it makes its way up the coast, we'll see the two merge. with that we'll have to be talking about placement as we all know. so in it hugs the coastline, we'll have the threat for heavier rain and snow amounts. of course if it goes more offshore, we'll see lesser amounts. so kind of going the middle zone here. potentially anywhere from 6 inches to potentially a foot of snow. but the other thing we'll be watching as well is where that freezing line is. we'll have to be monitoring how far south this goes. one model brings us 4 to 6 inches of snow even as far south as west virginia and virginia. other models bring it up north in new england. so we'll be watching all of it.
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we'll keep you posted. >> i can't help but noticing it that 12 plus is over us. >> like i said, it may be bad luck. i don't know. >> he was leaning in to the tv. i said sledding, skiing, let's have fun with it. right? >> absolutely. >> thank you. 51 after the hour. we have a packed hour ahead on on early start. in just a few hour, boy scout leaders will vote on ending the national ban on gay members allowing local troops to decide for themselves. but there are people on both sides of the debate that don't like this idea and we'll talk to a man who was forced out of the scouts and fought his dismissal all the way to the supreme court. plus new details on a daredevil's record leap from the edge of space. it turns out it was even more impressive than we i think areally thought. and how is that possible is this we'll tell you. >> yeah, how is that possible. i we'll tell you. >> yeah, how is that possible. we know berman can be a diva, but can he not match this lady, lady gaga. her list of demands at every show coming up next. [ laughs ] now this is a test drive.
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whoa! you really feel all 335 foot-pounds of torque. it's chevy truck month! silverado was also recognized for the lowest cost of ownership. hey, what are you gonna do with it? end table. oh. [ male announcer ] it's chevy truck month. now get 0% financing for 60 months, plus trade up to get $1,750 total allowance on a silverado all-star edition. or trade up and choose customer cash plus option package discount for a total value of $7,250. will restore even skin tone? think again. introducing olay professional even skin tone. developed by experts in skin genomics to target 5 major causes of uneven skin tone and help restore even color. olay professional even skin tone. with hand-layered pasta, tomatoes, and real mozzarella cheese. but what makes us even prouder... is what our real dinners can do for your family. stouffer's. let's fix dinner.
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welcome back. 55 after the hour. we're taking a look at the top cnn trends on the web. >> i'll tell why you i'm laughing in a moment. right at cue, the skeet shooting obama doll goes on sale. the people at hero builders are trying to cash in on the micro controversy. it comes with a toy hunting shotgun and you'll remember the white house released a photo of the president skeet shooting at camp david after critics on the right questioned whether he really did.
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so i was telling berman that i actually have an obama doll from hero builders and also a sarah pal palin. and i couldn't bring them in because they weren't wearing any clothes. my daughter plays with them, so i couldn't find any clothes for them this morning. >> i'll let that one slide. no comment there. >> the sarah palin one looks just like sarah palin. obama not so much. >> without clothes. >> i wouldn't know. >> lady gaga's diva demands. it really is as bizarre as some of her outfits. in her suite she requires a mannequin specifically with pink hair everywhere. she also requires fresh roses, white leather couches, black satin drapes an old rock posters from her naffavorite artists. and 40 bottles of room temperature water with straws
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that are extra long. i thought you were tough to work with, but this -- >> and pink hair everywhere? >> just take my -- pink hair, yeah. >> all right. 57 minutes past the hour. check out other top cnn trends, late night laughs now. stephen colbert checking out the royal digs. >> james, bring forth the town cryers. >> england's king richard iii bones finally found. >> that's right, king richard iii has been found underneath the parking lot of a supermarket. which explains why his family us last words were my kingdom for a hot pocket. how did the scientists know that this was the hunch back king and not some poor 15th century britain would starved to death waiting for a grocery store parking place? well, researchers observed a distinct spinal curvature that was richard iii's most
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pronounced physical feature. well, that settles it, because once you decompose, it is impossible for straight bones to rearrange into any other shape. isn't that right, richard? >> early s.t.a.r.t. continues right now. a seismic shift for an american institution. the boy scouts of america could decide within hours to change its policy on gays. >> rigged to blow. the fbi finds bombs inside a bunker where a 5-year-old had been held hostage and now they're looking for even more explosives. and shedding new light on the super bowl blackout. documents uncover signs of trouble months before the big game. good morning, everyone. welcome to "early start." >> nice to have you with us. it's wednesday, february 6. let's get started here. the boy scouts of america could see a major shift in policy
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today. the executive board is expected to announce the result of a vote on whether to end the organization's long standing national ban on gay scouts and scout leaders. cnn's casey wian is live in irving, texas where the scouts have their national headquart s headquarters. if they lift the ban, what will that mean? >> reporter: well, it might lead to chaos because what the boy scouts of america has decided to do is propose a sort of would l the decision up to individual, local boy scout troops, and activists on both sides of this issue say they will be unhappy with that compromise. leaders of religious organizations that sponsor about a million boy scouts and activists pressuring the boy scouts to end its ban on openly gay scouts and scout masters are satisfied on one thing. they are not happy with the
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decision to leave the decision to local troops. >> if they make the decision it will be a catastrophe for boy scouts. >> we don't want to see it je y gerrymandered into blue and red dus trikts. so the best solution would be end discrimination outright. >> the boy scouts won't discuss their policy proposal. but the organization has told leaders of religious groups that the change is motivated by pressure from corporate donors. more than a dozen, including ibm, merck, and american ashls has pulled funding aaccording to scouting for all, a group pushing for an end of the ban. >> what they have said to us, we are doing this under pressure and will give people basically what amounts to a local option. you can't have a local option of a core conviction. in 2000, the supreme court said that the boy scouts did not have to have homosexual scout masters, buzz their belief about sexual morality was a core
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value. if you make it a local option, it's no- longer a core value. >> jennifer was a scout den mother who was outsted for being gay. >> this is, of course, a great first step and we would be appreciative of that step and acknowledgment, however it will mean there is more work to be done. >> even before the controversy, the boy scouts were seeing a decline in membership, which dropped by a third since 1999. the scout master of one local troop in the dallas area say parents of boys in his troop are talking about leaving scouting if the national organization opens up to homosexuals. but activists who support a more inclusive policy say that because of the loss of corporate sponsorship and the declining membership in the boy scouts that they need to be more inclusive for this organization to survive long term, zoraida.
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>> can't you just hear all of the dialog happening about the issue. there is concern that the boy scouts could open up the door for lawsuits. a new policy could violate the supreme court ruling which upheld that ban. are there churches or groups that are actually threatening to sue? >> not publicly, but there have been discussions going back and forth with the boy scout leadership and leaders of several organizations. we a the boy scouts are remaining silent. but if they change the policy, some religious groups are likely to take them to court. >> casey wian, thank you. we'll speak with jim dale, who sued the boy scouts because he was pelled for being gay. new information on jimmy lee dykes. the bunker was rigged with two
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explosive devices and they are looking for more crude bombs. victor blackwell live from midland city, alabama. what are the new details? >> reporter: new details from the fbi and learning how dangerous this bunk err was and for the first time seeing photos of the crime scene from the fbi. four feet below this spot is the bunker where jimmy lee dykes held 5-year-old ethan hostage for a week. this is the pipe that dooukz told age -- dykes told agents to communicate. we know why he made the request. bomb technicians found an explosive in that pipe and a second in the bunker. he saw the setup in early stages. >> two sheets of plywood nailed together as hinges as a door to open to it. >> reporter: authorities say dykes had reinforced the bunker
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to keep them out. but they were inside watching. sources tell much cnn hostage team snung in a tiny camera. >> mr. dykes was observed holding a gun. at this point, fbi agents, fearing the child was in imminent danger, entered the bunker and rescued the child. >> i heard a big boom, and then i heard -- i believe i heard rifle shots. >> reporter: sources tell cnn what brian martin heard was a diversion. >> agents rushed in, dykes shot at them, but he was killed, and the boy was rescued. >> god answered our prayer. >> a nightly celebration became a celebration of his rescue and sixth birthday. >> this is the start of it. >> april mcdaniel is a local police officer. she started a facebook campaign to collect birthday cards for ethan. thousands have responded. >> i wish i could be there to
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see his little face light up to see the response. how many people really care and love about him. >> after a tumultuous week, ethan is home from the hospital to celebrate and heal. again, today is a big day for ethan and his family. his sixth birthday and we're hearing from his mother. she's very grateful. thanked in a statement, many of the officials here in her community. ethan is safe and back in my arms, and i owe it all to some of the most compassionate people on earth. i had never be able to repay those who helped bring ethan home. john. >> victor, we wish him and his whole family a very happy birthday today. the hero bus driver, a central figure in this whole saga, he's being honored. >> reporter: we saw jut just how much this community appreciated him on sunday when they went to his memorial service. yellow buses lined up with black
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ribbons. hundreds of people at a civic center nearby. so many people, they couldn't hold it at a church. the bus he drove will be retired. that bus number will be never used in this county again and there is a new bus driver on that route. >> a tribute to a hero. victor blackwell in midland city, alabama. thank you. six minutes past the hour. a powerful quake triggers a deadly tsunami. it hit the solomon islands in the south pacific. four elderly people and one child were killed by the tsunami which slammed into the eastern edge of the islands. pap papau, new guinea and fiji watches have been canceled. let's go to meteorologist indra peterson. are you covering in this morning. >> here is the good news. tsunami warnings are canceled. they are expired. a locator here. australia to the south.
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just to the north is where the solomon islands are. 8.0 magnitude quake at 12:12 in the afternoon. 300 miles southeast of the capital, honiara. you can see the orange here, aftershocks, but even as high as the 6.0 range. a lot of activity present in the air. well offshore. the good news. weren't seeing the threat necessarily. but there are some islands closer by that did see shaking. the biggest wave of the tsunami wave was three feet. the reason? the death was 17.8 feet. with that, we would have seen a higher tsunami wave. a little bit of good news. we'll continue to monitor the situation. but warnings have expired. a good thing at this point in time. >> indra peterson, live in atlanta. thank you. a big quake, a shallow
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quake, a lot of concern. eight minutes past the hour. a 911 call for the first time in the case of the deadly shooting of a navy s.e.a.l. and his friend. moments after eddie routh killed chris kyle and chad littlefield, he dref to his sister's house and told her what she did. and that prompted a terrified linda blevins to call 911. >> listen, my brother just came by here. and i was [ bleep ] he's now left but he told me he's committed a murder. >> okay. >> hold on. >> and i am terrified for my life. i don't know if he is going to come back here. they went to a shooting range -- he's all crazy he's [ bleep ]ing. i'm sorry for my language. >> routh told his brother-in-law he couldn't trust kyle or anybody else, so they killed him before they could kill him. >> a tortured soul there.
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and the power outage that delayed the super bowl by 34 minutes. the agency that owns the super dome, the power company, are hiring an outside consultant to investigate the actual cause. it turns out there were serious concerns about the superdome's wiring months before the game, leading to hundreds of thousands in emergency repairs. this memo states the superdome's main and only electrical feed is not sufficiently reliable to support the high-profile event schedule. five days later, this memo, tests on electrical feeders determined they had some decay and had a chance of failure. and the nfl confirms there were fluctuations in the frequency of the nation's power splay during beyonce's rehearsal for her halftime show. lindsay vonn, a horrible crash yesterday.
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her diagnosis not great. bleacher report's jared greenberg is here with more. >> time is not on vonn's side. a year seems like a whole lot of time. but not so much the case when you are a world class olympic athlete. february 7, 2014, will mark the start of the winter games in russia may be a long shot for lindsay vonn who will try to compete for a medal. poor visibility, never a good phrase when you are on an airplane or attempting to come down a mountain. vonn toos took a tumble. she had to be air lifted to a local hospital and suffered what doctors say is a complex knee energy. torn acl and mcl. von out of the remainder of this season. christmas in february for college football programs across the country today. marks the first day high school seniors who have been offered a scholarship to play on the next level can officially put pen to paper, notifying colleges they
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are headed their way. heading into the morning, fife of the top ten recruits in the nation are still uncommitted. an exciting day for high school and college football. and nothing like going to see your favorite team play and having them win and getting a souvenir. in denver, danilo gallinari with a spectacular shot, one that the harlem globetrotters could only think up. >> oh, that's great. >> he gave the nuggets their 109th and 110th points, and nugget fans get four tokyos for a dollar at a local fast food change. >> that's worth more than four tacos for a dollar. >> they got the win as well. a small sample of a wild tuesday night around the nba. for much more of what happened from the floor, as well as everything else you need to know. check out >> a serious shot from gal far .
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>> they have earned the fans discounted tacos 12 times this season. if you like tacos? something to denver. >> if i could shoot like gallinari. >> that is amazing. i can do that. 12 minutes past the hour. she bought a dress for the big night. but now there is a chance she will never get to wear it. the unseen danger of diet soda and booze.
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how do you keep an older car running like new? you ask a ford customer. when they tell you that you need your oil changed you got to bring it in. if your tires need to be rotated, you have to get that done as well. jackie, tell me why somebody should bring they're car here to the ford dealership for service instead of any one of those other places out there. they are going to take care of my car because this is where it came from. price is right no problem, they make you feel like you're a family. get a synthetic blend oil change, tire rotation and much more, $29.95 after $10.00 rebate. if you take care of your car your car will take care of you. more "likes." more tweets. so, beginning today, my son brock and his whole team will be our new senior social media strategists. any questions? since we make radiator valves wouldn't it be better if we just let fedex help us to expand to new markets? hmm gotta admit that's better than a few "likes." i don't have the door code. who's that? he won a contest online to be ceo for the day.
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how am i supposed to run a business here without an office?! [ male announcer ] fast, reliable deliveries worldwide. fedex. welcome back, everyone. a texas high school senior who has been battling cancer since age 10 is facing another battle. lizzie has been forced into a home school program by teachers in her district. but when she tried to attend the winter formal, she was told she was not allowed. scoot considers her a "former student" and she is not allowed to attend the dance. >> that is awful. >> there has to be a solution.
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>> there has to be. >> switch gears. apparently he is showing off. felix balm guael balm -- felix nearly hit 844 miles per hour, 10 miles per hour faster than firstreported. baumgartner became the first person to break the speed of sound without a vehicle either way. the height from which he jumped was corrected downward to 127,852 feet, so he lost 252 feet. >> still crazy. at any height. 17 minutes past the hour. christine romans here with headlines. the man who kidnapped a 5-year-old boy and held him nearly a week with an underground bunker had the bunker rigged with two bombs. law enforcement tells cnn they used drones and sophisticated
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surveillance equipment. they rushed the bunker and were shot at before he was shot and killed. that little boy turns 6. arkansas governor plans to sign a concealed guns in church law once it hits his desk. the arkansas statehouse overwhelmingly passed this in an 85-8 vote on monday. the state senate did the same last week. the arkansas law counsels weapons in houses of worship for security. british actor robin sachs, famous for his work on "buffy the vampire slayer" died at the age of 61. they didn't say where, how, or when it happened. no reports of him being in poor health. think twice about mixing alcohol and diet soda. it causes a higher blood alcohol
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concentration than cocktails mixed with regular soft drinks. researchers say because there is no sugar in a diet drink, it passes through quicker and sending the alcohol faster. >> does it require a higher amount of alcohol if you were pulled over? >> if it goes in the bloodstream faster. >> this lets you know, only have one drink if you are having it with diet soda instead of several, right? >> wise words. >> nobody agrees with me. liberal arts majors usually have this problem, low salaries. coming up, signs that the tide is finally turning. [ woman ] my boyfriend and i were going on vacation,
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so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt. some nylons. and what girl wouldn't need new shoes? and with all the points i've been earning, i was able to get us a flight to our favorite climbing spot even on a holiday weekend. ♪ things are definitely looking up. [ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply.
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i think that's new york you are looking at right now. the sun is coming up soon. 6:22. this may be central park. a beautiful morning hopefully here. welcome back to "early start." minding your business. u.s. stock futures up ahead of corporate earnings reports. stocks flirted with the 14,000 mark. closed below the threshold. christine romans with details. the big case against s & p. >> let's start with the new information. colorado joining the lawsuit. several states. more than a dozen states joining this lawsuit with the government against standard & poor's saying, hey, you shouldn't have called these things aaa real estate investments at the height
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of the bubble when you knew they weren't and that brought things down. the states there, and mcgraw-hill, the parent company of s & p down big yesterday. down three days in a row. we'll closely watch that. what we'll watch in the stock market. futures up. nikkei, closed at the highest since 2008. a lot of optimism about corporate earnings, the fed pumping money into the system. stocks keep going higher. could see record highs in coming days for the dow. dow 219 points away. and the s & p 500 has doubled. it has doubled. four years old this bull market is. all of you asking am i too late to get in or am i asking me oh my gosh, i have to get out. i can't tell you what to say. this is a very big rally and we're at an interesting point. gas prices up 20 days in a row. and maybe not feeling the stock rally. you sure feel this every week.
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this is the thing you may feel more than anything else. $3.55 per gallon nationwide of the nationwide number is a national temperature. doesn't really matter. only matters where you are. parts of california, it is $5. and finally, one thing you need to know about your money today. liberal arts starting salaries are rising. i can't believe i'm saying it. look at the national association of colleges and employers. general studies, this is the starting salary, folks, $43,100. history, 41,900. english, $40,200. visual and performing arts lowest paid of the liberal arts majors. i want you to very carefully look at those numbers there. the rule of thumb is don't barrow more for college than you expect to earn in your first year out. liberal arts, folks, borrow $43 for school. don't borrow it.
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>> all these liberal arts majors can't to math in their head. that's a problem. >> that's terrible. >> don't borrow more than you will make. for two years, the trend is better. the last couple of years, more kids getting jobs with you slightly higher starting salaries. >> if you can't follow that math, i'm very worried about it. >> come on, i'm doing the best i can. this is what i studied. "star wars" galaxy now to get bigger. spinoff movies in the work. is expansion a good idea? tweet us, let us know this is important. you can watch us any time on the desk top or mobile phone. go to [ female announcer ] what if the next big thing, isn't a thing at all?
3:28 am
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3:30 am
it's not what you think. it's a phoenix with 4 wheels. it's a hawk with night vision goggles. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there's always more in the world to see. it's the all-new lincoln mkz. we all work remotely so this is a big deal, our first full team gathering! i wanted to call on a few people. ashley, ashley marshall... here. since we're often all on the move, ashley suggested we use fedex office to hold packages for us. great job. [ applause ] thank you. and on a protocol note, i'd like to talk to tim hill about his tendency to use all caps in emails. [ shouting ] oh i'm sorry guys. ah sometimes the caps lock gets stuck on my keyboard. hey do you wanna get a drink later? [ male announcer ] hold packages at any fedex office location.
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counting down to a landmark decision by the boy scouts of america today. will it vote to lift its ban on gays? we'll speak to a former scout master. a doomsday scenario dreamed up by the north koreans. a video so showing the west targeted in a mock attack. trouble in the deep blue sea. watch what happens when a small canoe encounters a giant whale. not good, folks.
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welcome back to "early start." i'm zoraida sambolin. >> and i'm john berman. a pair of explosive devices were found in the underground bunker where a 5-year-old boy was held captive for six days. you know this story. law enforcement officials tells cnn one was discovered in the bunker and the other was positioned in a pvc pipe. officials used drones and sophisticated surveillance equipment to monitor jimmy lee dykes at all times during the standoff. little ethan is preparing for april credibly big day. happy birthday, ethan. it's his sixth birthday. the principal of his school says everyone is anxious to see him back at class. >> everybody pretty much knows ethan. we are looking forward to the time he can come back in and we can wrap our arms around him, tell him we love him. >> law enforcement officials say
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they stormed the bunker and freed ethan after they observed his kidnapper holding a gun. the boy scouts considering a major shift in its policies toward gays. they could lift the ban on national gay scout leaders. local troops will decide on their own whether to accept gays. in 2000, the supreme court ruled that the scouts have the right for a ban. james dale was dismissed as an assistant scout master after boy scout leadership learned he was gay. thank you for joining thus morning. >> thank you. >> let my ask you first off, what do you think will happen today? >> thank you. >> this is momentous. what do you think the outcome will be? >> it's inevitable. the boy scouts have to do something. the supreme court victory they had, over their membership dropped by 21%, so i think that's pretty catastrophic.
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equally, they offered a tremendous amount of funders and people supporting the organization. unfortunately, i think what they will do today, they will compromise. halfway, tell local scout troops, one can say to a young kid, it's okay to be gay. it's not the right message. the boy scouts need to doing it once and do it the right way. >> comments, you don't believe a halfway measure is any kind of vindication for you? >> i think it's great that they are having a conversation about this, but i think it would be more important if they did the right thing once and for all. what they will do now, they will kick the dan down the road, delay the inevitable. they thought for 23 years they could exclude gay people. it wasn't a legal jurisdiction that told them they have to accept gay people. it's american people saying we don't accept discrimination. members don't want to tolerate
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this time of discrimination. their heads are in the '70s or the '50s in order for them to remain relevant, they need to stop discrimination. into the 1970s, the boy scouts allowed racially segregated scout troops. that's unbelievable. we can look back and say they did the wrong thing then, and someday we might look back and say you did the wrong thing in 2013 by having divided scout troops. the scouts will say discrimination is not what we stand for. do it once and do it right. >> the american people are sending mixed signals on this. and recent gallup polls asked if they supported gay scout leaders, more than half do not support gay scout leaders. is the public ready for this? >> sure. i think the way you ask the question, is the important thing. americans are in favor of the boy scouts changing their
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policies. are they in favor of telling a 13-year-old kid that he's immoral because he thinks he is gay? i don't believe any american believes a 13-year-old-year-old should be kicked out because of his sexuality. >> this would be saying that the scouts saying that sexuality is not part of their core purpose. >> i know when they kind of challenged new jersey's unanimous decision in my case and said to the supreme court, we need a first amendment shield to protect us from new jersey's law against discrimination, because members joined the boy
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scouts because they think gays are immoral and unclean. when they went to the united states supreme court in that instance, they said this is what we're all about. you need to help us, supreme court. need to help us keep out gay members and gay leaders, so 13 years later, they are saying, wait, no individual troops can decide if gays are moral or immoral, clean or unclean it throws it all into question. which why they said before, this is delaying the inevitable. they need to stop the lawsuits about discrimination and get back to scouting. the only way to do that isn't to protect this is the 19 1950s. >> i was going to say -- >> the president of the united states -- >> you go ahead. >> i was going to say that the president of the united states got it right on super bowl sunday when he said the boy scouts need to stop discriminating. it's simple.
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ask the president or an 11-year-old boy, get it just the same. >> there are some religious groups that don't agree. and about 70% of troops are affiliated with religious groups. richard lamb, on "starting point" with us, he said if this change is made, that boy scouts will simply flee. people will flee. >> yes, we live in a democracy and people can make this choice, but if we do, it will be a catastrophe. baptist scouts, catholic scouts, more mown scouts, methodist scouts, will vote with their feet and leave the scouts. >> will this cause more scouts to leave? >> i'm not going to comment on what a small-minded hatemonger has to say. look who voted with their feet. since the supreme court decision in 2000, 21% of boy scouts' membership has voted with their
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feet and left scouting because they find it irrelevant and left scouting. that won't stop because small-minded people think gays aren't equal or immoral. this is about fairness, equality and what you want to teach your children. would you allow your child to be in a segregated summer camp? in a segregated country club? that's what this about is. >> jim dale, thank you. i know you have been dealing with this issue for a long time. thank you for coming in. zoraida. >> great interview, john. 37 minutes past the hour. more than a year after the military's repeal of don't ask, don't tell. the pentagon is ready to give benefits to same-sex partners to military members. they are likely to include military i.d. cards to access to on-base stores and health and welfare programs as well. spelling out the rules for the targeted killing of americans. according to a newly leaked justice department memo the
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united states can use lethal force against american citizens overseas if that person happens to be a senior leader with al qaeda. the 16-page paper says clear and imminent attack is not required. charlotte is the first city to pass an antidrone refuse ripped um. and just into cnn, live pictures of a truck dangling off i-95, an overpass in ft. lauderdale in florida. one person reported trapped inside the truck, rescuers trying to figure out how to get him out. more information on this as it comes in. again, that is a scary, scary picture. that truck just dangling off the overpass. >> look at all of the emergency personnel on site, trying to figure out how to solve that crisis or potentially crisis.
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>> obviously very dell can't. >> we'll continue to monitor that for you. we'll bring you developments as warranted. >> top trends on the state department refusing to discuss a propaganda video uploaded by the north korean government. it shows a man dreaming of an attack on a city that looks a lot like new york. the state department official says she won't dignify the video by speaking about it. >> we are the world. all right. take a look at this amazing video, an uncomfortably close encounter with a humpback whale. a company vacations were enjoying a canoe trip when the whale surfaces right beneath their canoe. the whale probably didn't notice it. >> nothing to the whale, right?
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and star wars fanatics. berman, listen up. in addition to the new trilogy, disney announced plans for two standalone spinoff movies. each spinoff will be written around a specific character. at this point, scheduled to be released after february 7th. >> i support the trilogy, nervous about the spinoffs. >> which characters would you want them to be spunoff. >> the wookies, more information about you which baca, and tarful. worried about diluting the brand. tweet us back. who do you want them to explore more thoroughly. >> i think you are looking for a consulting job. 41 minutes past the hour. america watched as chuck hagel got roughed up by former colleagues in the senate. coming up, cnn with the inside
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scoop on how confirmation vote could go down. singer chris brown reportedly accused of faking it. you are not going to believe what he tried to fake. we'll explain it. [ laughs ] now this is a test drive. whoa! you really feel all 335 foot-pounds of torque. it's chevy truck month! silverado was also recognized for the lowest cost of ownership. hey, what are you gonna do with it? end table. oh. [ male announcer ] it's chevy truck month. now get 0% financing for 60 months, plus trade up to get $1,750 total allowance
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welcome back. soledad with a look at what's on "starting point." >> the boy scouts expected to make a controversial policy decision today. the ban on openly gay members is lifted, what will happen to the future of the organization? tony perkins will join us, president of the family research council. very much against changing the policy and jennifer tyrelle, a
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former cub scout den mother who was dismissed because she's a lesbian. plus his weight is becoming a national discussion. will will governor chris christie's weight become a national issue. into the male mind. tyrese gibson and reverend run. two more unlikely people to get together to write a book for women about the male mind? it's called "manology." we talk to them about what women need to know about men. >> have youyou have a lot to le. we're very complicated. >> actually you're very simple. 46 minutes after the hour. two bombs have been found in the alabama bunker where a 5-year-old kidnapped boy was held for nearly a week. law enforcement officials are looking for more exmrossives at the scene. they used drones to monitor
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jimmy lee dykes during the entire six-day standoff. rushed the bunker, rescued the boy and killed dykes after he began shooting at them. despite a very uncomfortable hearing, chuck hagel will almost certainly become confirmed as next u.s. secretary of defense. five senators will oppose a filibuster. with no democratic defect fors it looks like clear sailing. president obama plans to visit israel. first trip since taking office four years ago. the president will make stops in the west bank and jordan while he visits the middle east. is hollywood big enough? john favreau will leave white house to try his hand at screen writing. he has been president obama's
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top screen writer. he should not be confused with this jon favreau. two completely different people. both very talented. one finger cost a florida women 30 days in the slammer, so it cost her her freedom, see why. the story behind this video, coming up. just one finger, but the wrong one. a carefree vacation takes a terrifying, terrifying turn. terrorists brutally attacked in a beachside bungalow. ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. when you're carrying a lot of weight, c-max has a nice little trait, you see, c-max helps you load your freight, with its foot-activated lift gate. but that's not all you'll see, cause c-max also beats prius v, with better mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid.
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welcome back. 51 minutes past the hour.
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a disturbing story to tell you about. six female spanish tourists raped while vacationing in pl g acapulco. this happened near a luxurious enclave known as the diamond zone. police have stepped up security. miguel marquez breaks down how the attack happened. >> reporter: masked gunmen entered the bungo lo from the beach around 2:00 a.m. six women in their 20s tied up with their own cell phone cords and bikinis. the women raped, men helpless to stop it. it's a delicate situation, but we'll apply the full weight of the law to those responsible. all the victims? tourists from spain. one woman from mexico left unharmed. some neighbors heard music coming from the beach house late
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that night, suggesting there may have been a party. with no gate, fence, or security, the house easily entered from the beach. this shocking crime struck worry and fear from those who know and love this popular vacation destination. >> excited to be here, but at the same time a little nervous. >> the attack comes as tens of thousands of teens and twenty-something american spring breakers prepare to ascend on acapulco for the annual right of sun, beaches, and parties. the city of acapulco has been a relatively oasis of calm in the state of guerrero. a price hard-hit by drug related violence. the u.s. state department recommends deferring nonessential travel. exercise caution and stay within tourist areas. miguel marquez, cnn, acapulco, mexico. >> such a terrifying story. 53 minutes past the hour and
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more p.r. for singer chris brown. >> bad p.r. >> yesterday, another court date today. the l.a. county district attorney says the performer likely faked the community service hours he was ordered to perform. brown could not produce any credible evidence that he completed any service at all. community service part of brown's sentence for assaulting his girlfriend, singer rihanna the night before the 2009 grammy awards. >> how do you fake that? crazy. talk about flipping out. i don't recommend you try this if you find yourself in front of a judge. this teenage girl, charged with drug possession doesn't agree with her sentence. [ bleep ]. >> come back again. come back again. >> did she really think she would get away with that? penelope soto was hauled back in front of the judge after her
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offensive finger gesture and charged with another 30 days in court. how about this? an intimacy dress. it becomes transparent when you get excited. >> no way. >> he wanted to explore the die natick between intimacy and technology in fashion. >> how does this happen? >> i just think we're not going to get the prototype here. it has ribbons of leather and opaque e-foils that responds to a woman's heartbeat. fascinating technology. >> i bet it is, berman. today's best advice from this unlikely sex symbol and super bowl commercial star. there she is. coming up. [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up
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